American & Russian, last quarter of 20th century (circa 1975). NASA space related photograph and three autographs from American crew astronauts custom framed with color photograph at center of taken from the Apollo of the Soyuz 19, underneath three signatures on mat board from Commander Thomas (Tom) Stafford, Command Module Pilot Vance D. Brand, and Docking Module Pilot Donald K. Slayton above hand written notation reading "SP5 CALLAGHAN IN APPRECIATION FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK IN SUPPORT OF THE ASTP FLIGHT". Framed 15.25" x 17.25". Note: Apollo-Soyuz Test Project was the first human spaceflight mission conducted jointly by two nations, as such it marked an end to the Space Race between Russian and the United States. A Russian Soyuz launched on July 15, 1975, followed by the U.S. Apollo launch on the same day. The two craft docked on July 17, and joint operations were conducted for two full days. Both spacecraft landed safely and on schedule. ASTP was the last manned US space mission until the first Space Shuttle flight in April 1981. The ASTP was the first space mission to be televised in a live fashion during the launch, while in space, and during the landing.

Ahlers & Ogletree Auction Gallery