Omnibus Fare Register, with label on back "F. O. Dechamps, Philadelphia, Impt. in Omnibus Registres Pat. March 2, 1852," the circular case with waxed steel dial divided 1-35, twin apertures indicating passenger number and total number of passengers, stenciled bell and gilt-metal figural striker, two winding arbors clearing stop number and total stops, on wood base with manual control on rear, dia. 15 in. Note: The Dechamps "Omnibus Register" was awarded patent number 8,770 on March 2, 1852. In his specification he waxes lyrical about the importance of his invention thus "The driver has charge of the instrument so far as the registering the fare is concerned, but should he be dishonest and inclined to cheat, his true character will be exhibited and exposed to the public. When the fare is paid, it is registered by the driver, which is plainly indicated to the passengers, both by the position of the hand on the face-dial and the striking of the bell, and if the driver should neglect to perform passenger's fare when it is paid it would be at once observed by the passengers and his employer would sooner or later be informed of his dishonesty. Thus it will be seen that unless the driver is a bare-faced villain or more of a fool than a knave; and a person of no principle or pride for public opinion that it will be utterly impossible for him to cheat or defraud his employer. I am aware that various contrivances and plans have been tried and suggested for registering and keeping Read more…
