Two Pewter Tureens and Two Pewter Warming Basins, Britain, 18th to early 19th century, each octagonal basin with small hinged opening, marked underneath with a bird and stamp "LULLY," wd. 14 1/4; two tureens, one lidded round form with ring handles and turned knop, marked indistinctly with a pelican stamp, possibly for Charles Puckle Maxey, ht. 9 1/2, the other a bulbous lidded tureen engraved on the side with crest and motto "Essayez," probably for the the Dundas clan, ht. 9 1/4 in. Provenance: Proceeds from the sale of the collections will be used by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, Williamsburg, Virginia, exclusively for the acquisition of art and antiques to be exhibited in its art museums and historic buildings.
