14 Currier and Ives, publishers (American 1857-1907) Fourteen Prints, The Darktown Fire Brigade with subtitles: Saved 1884, toning; Slightly Demoralized 1889, margin tear, toning; Investigating a Smoke1894, margin tear, toning; Taking a Rest, tears, toning; all mildew and framed, sight size 15 x 11; A Prize Squirt, mildew, sight size 14 x 10; Under Full Steam, tear and mildew, sight size 13 3/4 x 10 1/4 in.; All on Their Mettle, image tear, mildew 13 3/4 x 11; To the Rescue, margin tear, mildew, sight 14 x 10 1/4; The Last Shake, image tear mildew, sight size 13 3/4 x 10 1/4, Chief on Duty, The Foreman on Parade, Hook and Ladder Gymnastics, margin tears; all with toning and mildew, all sight 10 x 13 3/4 in.; Darktown Hook and Ladder Corps with subtitle: Going to the Front, 1884, mildew and toning, sight size 14 x 10 3/4 in.; In Action, mildew, toning, tear, 14 x 11 1/2 in, identified in inscriptions in matrix. Chromolithographs on paper, (all not examined out of frames).
