Possibly the Work of John Dempsey (British, fl. c.1832-c.1844) Silhouette Portrait of Mrs. Goulding Taken in 1834. Unsigned. Black paint on card with India ink and gold painted details, showing the bust-length portrait of the woman wearing a comb in her upswept hair, a pendant earring, and lace fichu, inscribed on reverse "This likeness taken in the year of our Lord 1834. Mrs. Goulding with her sister Mary's best love.," dia. 3 3/8 in. (sight), oval aperture in a gilt-mounted rectangular papier-mâché frame, with repousse brass acorn hanger. Condition: Minor toning, (not examined out of frame). Literature: An article dated August 29, 1929 in The Magazine Antiques discusses Dempsey's and other quality silhouette likenesses and shows an example of a signed Dempsey silhouette and two unsigned examples of quality likenesses. A photocopy of this article is included with the silhouette.
