Pieced and Appliqued Cotton Baltimore Flower Basket Pattern Quilt, made by Elizabeth Livingston, Wilmington, Pennsylvania, 1807, nine appliqued blocks each composed of a basket of flowers with pendant rosebuds and grape clusters, centered with a heart, in solid shades of red, blue, and green, and yellow calico, the blocks separated by bands of white, the border an undulating vine of rosebuds and grape clusters, white ground with white cotton backing, quilted with diamond and diagonal line stitches, (minor toning and scattered stains), 84 x 86 in. Provenance: Descended through the family, given to the present owner from her grandmother, Mrs. Arvel (Flora) Brown, the great-niece of the quilter Elizabeth Livingston. Accompanying the quilt are documents and notes regarding the quilt including entry notes from Mrs. Arvel (Flora) Brown, the great-niece of the maker, from the 1932 Congo Church Fair in Iowa, and labeled the "Oldest Quilt" and ..."Took 6 mos. to quilt.," and a signed provenance of the quilt by Flora Brown, an entry form and exhibit label from the March 28, 1999 Las Vegas, Nevada Desert Quilters SHOWER OF QUILTS exhibition; a 1999 signed and notarized insurance appraisal by a certified quilt appraiser and member of the American Quilter's Society.
