William Partridge Burpee (American, 1846-1940) Haystacks at Chailly Artist's estate stamp and label from Childs Gallery, Boston, on the reverse. Oil on canvas, 13 x 18 in. (33 x 45.7 cm), framed. Condition: Retouch. N.B. Burpee spent the summer of 1898 in Barbizon and Chailly. He noted in his journals, as quoted in D. Roger Howlett's book William Partridge Burpee, American Marine Impressionist , "Chailly (is a town) with great haystacks and surrounded by miles of grainfields. The grain being near ripe is of a very rich color, and the harvest is full swing. I am watching the sunsets, but most of them are dull on account of clouds. I look for a brilliant one as the grain looks lovely in such a gold and red light". The lot is accompanied by a copy of William Partridge Burpee, American Marine Impressionist , by D. Roger Howlett.
