(Presentation Books), Collection of eleven presentation books to Dr. Janet Travell, all signed and inscribed, comprising: Ted Sorenson's Kennedy , 1965, first edition; Arthur Schlesinger's A Thousand Days , 1965; Ruth Montgomery's A Gift of Prophecy: The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon , 1965, signed by both; The Marie and Averell Harriman Collection , 1961; W. Averell Harriman's America and Russia in a Changing World , 1971; Luther Hodges' Businessman in the Statehouse , 1962; Benjamin Bradlee's That Special Grace , 1964; Dorothy Goldberg's The Creative Woman, 1963; Peter Matthiessen's Sal Si Puedes; Cesar Chavez and the American Revolution , 1969, signed by both; Robert Caro's The Power Broker , 1974.
