Booth, John Wilkes (1838-1865), Rare and important autograph letter signed, Washington, D. C., February 9th, [1865], three pages, to Orlando Tompkins of Boston, Massachusetts, concerning a variety of topics including obtaining more carte-de-visites from Silsbee, Case and Company, his interests in an oil company in Pennsylvania and a piece of property in Boston, with the chilling close that he "will get any letter sent to Fords Theatre." Text in full: Feb. 9th/Washington D.C./Dear Orlando/You will say I never write without I want something. That may be so, nevertheless I think of you all the same. And as I know, you are aware of my hatred to letter writing and can therefore excuse it. I will say no more in extenuation of my fault. So to the point would you be kind enough to ask Case to send me without a moments delay one dozen of my card photghs. The ones I want are those seated, with cane & black cravat. He knows the ones I liked the best. Tell him to send them at once to New York No 28 East 19th St. as I hope to be there day after tomorrow, only, to stay a day or two. This is very important as there are several parties whom I would like to give one. So please attend to it upon the receipt of this and I will do more than this for you. How are you all; and how is Boston. remember me to all. That Oil Company Joe S- and myself started in your city has gone up fine. Stock to day instead of being $1000, is $15,000 per share. Please attend to above. With best wishes for you all, a Read more…
