Three Transfer-Printed Motto Enameled Copper Snuff or Patch Boxes, probably England, late 18th/early 19th century, oval boxes, one with black lettering "My lovely fair whom I adore, Love or cease to charm me more," with red and green ribbon and dot border, the lower box enameled green; one pink with black lettering "Have Communion with few, Be familiar with one, Deal justly with all, And speak evil of none," with floral sprig border and mirrored lid; the last with black lettering "May British Valour/Conquests gain/And make our Foes/Our Friends again," and depicting various arms, flags, drums, and vines, the lower box enameled light blue, (wear), ht. 1, 1, 7/8, dia. 1 5/8, 1 5/8, 1 1/2 in.
