Pair of Federal Mahogany Inlaid Card Tables, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, 1800-1815, attributed to Langley Boardman, cabinetmaker, the bowed tops with canted corners are edged in crossbanded veneers above the skirts which are divided into panels by stringing which also outlines the central ovals as well as the corner ovals; the legs which are outlined in arched stringing enclosing the bellflowers, ebony dot inlays, and three terminating inlaid dots, end in cuffed inlays over double-tapered feet, old surface, (surface imperfections), ht. 30, wd. 35 3/4, dp. 18 1/8 in. Literature: Portsmouth Furniture , edited by Brock Jobe, published by S.P.N.E.A., 1993, plate 61, pages 257-258 shows a similar table; The Magazine Antiques , July, 1979 includes "Decorative Arts at the White House," by Clement Conger, curator, which pictures similar tables in the center hall. Note: A similar pair of inlaid card tables was purchased by George Frost II from Langley Boardman in 1808. The original bill of sale exists at the New Hampshire History Museum, according to Northeast Auction's catalogue, August, 1999.
