Early French Bisque Head Lady Doll with Wardrobe, Jumeau, c. 1870, doll known as Marjorie, with cobalt blue eyes, closed mouth, pierced-in ears, one coral earring present, (light spot on forehead), incised 4 on each shoulder, cork pate, original blonde mohair wig, fully articulated classic Jumeau wood lady body with flat swivel waist, ht. 17 1/2 in.; partial wardrobe consisting of blue/gold changeable silk taffeta trained skirt with scallop-edged high waistband trimmed with ecru lace and highlighted with crystal beads and tassels, worn with a tucked and embroidered white lawn bodice, a blue-boned corset with embroidered foliate motif, collared and tucked white cotton vestee and matching sleeves, black printed cotton apron, bright blue taffeta belt with streamers outlined in tiny white braid, flounced white cotton lawn petticoat and drawers with matching tucking and trim, handkerchiefs, die-cut glossy white card fan with blue silk leaf, blue silk ribbon tri-lobed bow, lidded wicker basket, two-inch all bisque baby and miscellaneous items, all together with a book The Memories of Susan by Elizabeth Talbot Reynolds dedicated in 1941 to Mrs. Ernest H. Perkins, the former owner/collector, contained in a wood trunk with slightly domed top bearing stamped brass plaque: Aux Enfants Sages, Benon & Cie., Passage Jouffrey, Paris. Literature: Doll Collectors of America 1964 manual, page 11, details the doll in her former owner's collection.
