Six Assorted Wedgwood Queen's Ware Armorial Decorated Dishes, England, 18th century, plate with brown strawberry leaves and drop border, central crest with bust head of a man below motto "Think On" and above a monogram "WM", (rim nick), dia. 7 7/8 in.; plate with black and gilt trim lines and crest of the Imperial Russian eagle, dia. 9 7/8 in; soup plate with blue and gilt trim lines and central crest of a phoenix bird, dia. 9 7/8 in.; lowercase basketweave molded plate with pierced and scalloped border, green enamel decorated trim and central crest of a bird, dia. 8 1/4 in.; oval serving deep dish with gilt and enamel decorated strawberry leaf and berry border and central dragon crest, lg. 10 3/8 in.; and a rectangular serving dish with deep maroon trim lines and double rampant lion crest, one holding an arrow, the other a rose, lg. 9 1/2 in.; impressed marks, (light glaze and enamel wear throughout).
