Comprehensive Field Surgeon's Set by Weiss, London, early 1830s, in brass bound mahogany Weiss's Improved Air-tight Case , containing two Tenon saws with serrations and pressed horn handles signed Razor Makers To His Majesty , and large Liston knife, the main tray with five further Liston and other knives, ten (of twelve) scalpels and bistouries, two pairs (of three) trocar and canulas, the subsidiary tray with two Hey's saws, two finger saws, lenticular, elevator, an ivory-handled Improved Aneurysm Needle , bullet/lithotomy scoop and other instruments, the base containing trephine handle and three heads, forceps ivory bone brush, bullet extractor and probe, director sound and a Pettit and field tourniquets, wd. 16 1/2 in. ( a few items lacking or replaced). A number of the instruments are marked with the crowned initials G.R. for George IV (died 1830). He was succeeded by his brother William IV (died 1837) and his niece Victoria.
