Pieced Cotton Pictorial Quilt of the Bark Mary Edson , made by Hope Atkins Howes, America, third quarter 19th century, the three-masted ship constructed of pieced rose pink calico segments on a brown calico ground with applied and embroidered silk flags and a pennant: an American flag, a magenta pennant with the name "MARY EDSON," a blue flag with thirty stars, and a white flag with embroidered numbers "8215"; the corners decorated with hexagonal rose-pink calico rosettes, the whole bordered in the same rose calico fabric, white cotton backing, (wear), 72 x 90 in. Note: A note inscribed by a descendant of the maker accompanies the lot. It states: "Captain Daniel H Howes died in Philadelphia of yellow fever on May 19th, 1879 at age 49-three months. On the deck of the Mary Edson is his wife Hopie Atkins Howes and son Daniel Howes on a trip to China. On this trip his wife made this quilt. Captain Howes is buried in the Union Cemetery in Chatham, Mass."
