(American Judaica) Colonial and Revolutionary America, Newport, Rhode Island, late 18th century, Group of commerce related documents, including, ADS by Naphtali Hart, 1746; DS by Isaac Elizer, 1786; invoice signed Jacob Rodrigues Rivera, 1759; endorsed mercantile account, Aaron Lopez, 1767; order by Myer Polock, 1778; folio holograph entitled "Moses Levi for his Brigeteene," c. 1752; cash receipt ADS by Moses Seixas, 1797; cash receipt ADS by Jacob Rodriguez Rivera Co.; document with mention of I. Pollock & Moses Seixas; Moses Levy mentioned in an invoice, dated 1752. Note: Newport, RI, is the home to one of the oldest and most influential Jewish communities in early American history. The individuals named in this lot were some of the founders of The Touro Synagogue, the oldest existing Synagogue in North America.
