Silk and Linen Needlework Sampler, by Lucy Parham, Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, 1822, silk threads on a linen ground centered with alphabet panels over inscription "Lucy Parham born October 27, 1811, she wrought this in the 11th year of her age," above a verse "When youth's soft season shall be o'er/And seasons of childhood charm no more/My riper year with joy shall see/This proof of infant industry," flanked by two urns with flowers, wide borders with a basket of flowers on the top, the sides with two urns issuing flowering vines, lower border with house, trees and deer, (toning, scattered stains), 17 x 18 in. , framed. Note: A note affixed to the reverse of the frame reads "Greetings to Martha, I hope you'll like to put this 140 year old sampler with your other antiques...Fannie." A genealogy search records that Lucy Parham was born Oct. 27, 1811,to Allen and Lucy Parham in Tyngsboro, Massachusetts, in Middlesex County, and was the oldest of six children. She married Jeptha Parker Cummings on August 31, 1837 and together they had six children. She died February 28, 1846.
