Needlework Sampler, by Lucenda Bingham, Massachusetts, 1809, silk threads on a woven green and blue Linsey-Woolsey ground, three alphabet panels over a pious verse over lettering reading "Lucenda Bingham aged 11 years 1809 born August the 3 1798," with floral, star, bird, and tree motifs enclosed in a sawtooth border, (several unobtrusive losses to background), 17 5/8 x 11 1/4 in. , framed. Note: A genealogy search records that Lucenda Bingham was born in Manchester, Massachusetts, the seventh child of eleven born to DeLucina and Deborah Lee Tuck Bingham. In October of 1818, she married Benjamin M. Knowlton. A note affixed to the reverse of the frame states "...the Binghams are buried next to gate (fence) Weston cemetery on route 20 or 30" and "Adelaide Dodge Perkins' mother was Lucinda Bingham."
