German and Austrian Standard Decks, group of ten assorted sets: first, I. E. Backofen, 1930 copy? of 1813 hand colored illustrations, trappola set, maker's mark on the two of acorns and date on two of spades, 32 cards; second, Peter Schwarzer, undated, illustrations depicting men and women in ethnic dress of Europe, Africa, and Asia, each card numbered with ordinal number of 1 through 12 and no court cards, 50 cards including two jokers, in original box (wear to box); third, Ferd. Piatnik & Sohne, c.1900, Zifferin-Karten, maker's mark on 15 and 16 cards, TS on 15 and 20 cards, 24 cards in paper wrapper; fourth, Stralsund Apielkarten, A.G., 1926, maker's mark on back of each card, keglerheim, two sets of glossy tinted cards each numbered 1 through 12, in original box with instructions, 24 cards complete; fifth, Werschen Weissenfelser Braunkohlen, A.G. possibly 1937, Bergbau Karte, TS on four of hearts, German suits, U, O and K cards depicting German historical figures, in original box, 32 cards complete; sixth, Vereinigte Stralsunder Spielkarten, undated, consisting of ordinally numbered cards and court cards, German suits, 32 cards complete; seventh, B. Dandorf, undated, TS on two of hearts, Germand suits, illustrated with whimsical and folklorish figures, 32 cards; eighth, Dandorf, modern, German suits with ordinally numbered cards, court figures and a X card for each suit; TS on two of hearts, 35 cards; ninth, Konrad Gegel, Nurmberg, undated, German suits with court cards Read more…
