Mixed Stereoscopic Views, approx. one hundred and fifteen cards, including (American Scenery) "Lake George", New York City "Instantaneous Broadway View" and "Congress Hall, Saratoga, N.Y.", (The "Best" Series), New York City, "Fifth Avenue Hotel"; Strohmeyer & Wyman, N.Y. (American Views), No. 547, "Bartholdi Statue (of Liberty), New York"; (New York State Scenery) "Enfield or Lucifer Falls"; Webster & Albee, Rochester, N.Y. , No. 1420, "Wall Street, New York City" and "Eiffel Tower"; C.W. Woodward, 126 State St. (Rochester & Vicinity), "No. 49 Ashbury M.E. Church", impressed Barnum with pencil inscription "Bridge No. 13, Central Park", C.H. Rogers, 16 Main St., Plymouth, Mass. "National Monument to the Forefathers"; E. & H.T. Anthony & Co. (Artistic Series), No. 106, (Scenery of Ithaca and Vicinity, N.Y.) "View from the Hog's Back"; Moulton, Salem, Mass. (New Series, American Views); an early American panoramic town view, on yellow mount; two French tissue views; and others.
