Adams, George, Geometrical and Graphical Essays, Containing a General Description of the Mathematical Instruments Used in Geometry, Civil and Military Surveying, Levelling and Perpective; with Many New Practical Problems , second edition corrected and enlarged by William Jones, Mathematical Instrument Maker, London: printed for W. and S. Jones, Opticians, Holborn, 1797, 8vo, engraved frontispiece piece showing Ramsden's Great Theodolite, thirty-four engraved folding plates of surveying and drafting instruments, charts, perspectives and profiles with explanation, Addenda and fourteen-page Catalogue of Optical, Mathematical, and Philosophical Instruments, Made and Sold by W. and S. Jones, (No. 135,) Next Furnival's-Inn, Holborn, London, leather boards and gilt-tooled spine.
