Twenty Titles, including Smith, James Panorama of Science & Art , Vol. I, Liverpool: 1815; Willis, Robert Principles of Mechanism , London: 1841; Desaguliers, J.T.D. A Course of Experimental Philosophy , Vol. II, London: 1744; Carpenter, William B. Mechanical Philosophy, Horolgy and Astronomy , London: 1857; Gallon, M., Machines et Inventions Approuvees Par l'Academie, 1720 - 1726 , Paris: 1735; Walker, Rev. George, On the Doctrine of the Sphere, in Six Books , Book I, London, 1777; Rees, Abraham, The Cyclopaedia; or Universal Dictionary of Arts, Sciences and Literature , Plates Vol. II (Horology), London: 1820; and other later works, (various conditions).
