Leopold Lambert Automaton of a Flower Seller, with Jumeau bisque head stamped Depose Tete Jumeau, Bte. S.G.D.G. 4 , closed mouth, fixed blue paperweight eyes, pierced ears with earrings, and cork pate with blonde mohair wig, a wicker basket suspended by ribbons at her waist, on velvet-covered base containing the going-barrel movement playing one air and causing the figure to turn and nod her head as she smells the flowers in one bisque hand and lifts the basket lid with the other, in pleated maroon satin skirt, fitted pink velvet-edged jacket, lace bodice and matching straw hat trimmed with flowers and ribbons, ht. 19 in., with tune-sheet and lacquered-brass key (professionally restored across forehead, eyebrows partly repainted), under period glass dome.
