Loring's 12-inch Celestial Globe, with cartouche Loring's Celestial Globe, Containing all the known Stars, Nebulae &c. Compiled from the works of Wollaston, Flamstead, De La Caille, Havelius, Mayer, Bradley, Herschel, Maskeleyne. The Transactions of the Astronomical Society of London &c. &c. From Smith's New English Globe. Boston, Josiah Loring : 136, Washington St., 1854 , made up of twelve hand-colored gores laid to the celestial poles, the axis through the ecliptic poles, showing the stars, constellations as stylized figures of mythical creatures, instruments and objects, and magnitudes to the ninth and nebulae, the Eqinoctial divided by hours, minutes and degrees, the Ecliptic by days, months and the Zodiacal calendar, with printed hour ring, pointer and engraved brass meridian circle, in mahogany stand with red-edged paper horizon ring showing degrees of Amplitude and Azimuth, the days of the calendar month, the houses of the Zodiac and their signs, on four baluster-turned legs joined by stretchers, ht. 18 in., (overall craquelure, some losses and small indented hole)
