Six Wedgwood Dry Body Wares, England, 19th century, a rosso antico vase with black basalt Egyptian relief, ht. 4 in.; a smear glazed caneware gothic-style teapot and cover, ht. 4 1/4 in.; an oval caneware teapot and cover with lobed body and molded leaves, ht. 2 1/2 in.; a drabware arabesque floral design teapot and cover with spaniel finial, ht. 3 1/4 in.; a drabware teapot and cover with applied blue classical figures and foliate borders, ht. 4 in.; and a white smear glazed crater urn with applied green fruiting grapevine band, florets and foliage to plinth, ht. 8 3/8 in.; impressed marks.
