Stereoscopic Views of Europe by A. Braun, à Dornach, approx. ninety cards, the majority with printed captions on verso, including yellow mounts: city views of Amsterdam, Berlin, Bruges, Gand, panoramic view of Anvers, statuary, landmarks including "No. 4451, Château de Heidelberg" facade, "No. 2369. Prag. die Carlsbrucke", "No. 3908. Amsterdam. Le Buiten Singel, Vue Prise de la Porte de Leiden" with canal and windmill, "No. 4018. Bruxelles. Interéieur de l'Eglise de la Chapelle. Chaire de Vérité", Swiss mountain and glacial views, "No. 4379. Grotte au Glacier du Rhône", and others; cream and gilt mounts, including European cities and monuments, the "Fontaine Trévi", Utrecht, alpine scenery and villages.
