Franklin 12-inch Terrestrial Library Globe by Nims & Knight, with cartouche The Franklin Terrestrial Globe 12-inches in Diameter Containing all the Geographical Divisions & Political Boundaries to the Present Date. Carefully Compiled from the Best Authorities. Nims & Knight, Troy, N.Y., Rae. Smith Engraver, N.Y. , made up of twelve lightly-colored gores and two polar hour rings, the Equator or Equinoctial Line divided by hours and degrees in both directions, the Ecliptic by days of the Zodiacal calendar, showing Analemma, the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn shaded with a pale blue line, countries lightly shaded and labeled with cities, mountain ranges, deserts shaded in flecked gray, Canada labeled as British Possession, American states individually shaded, Alaska labeled as Alaska Territory, Indian Territory labeled, China showing the Great Wall, Tazmania additionally named Van Diemen's Land, the oceans labeled with Submarine Telegraph Cables running between Britain, France and the East Coast, and the tracks of numerous explorers including Cook 1778, Clerk 1779, and Capt. Wilkes 1841, the Antarctic Continent with the furthest points reached by Weddell and Cook, the Indian Ocean with Note: "Formerly the whole of the Islands to the S.E. were included among the Asiatic Islands. With the exception of Hainan, Formosa, the Lew Chew Islands, the Japanese Isles, and the Islands in the Sea of Kamtsochatka, they are now considered as forming the fifth ground division of the Globe, c Read more…
