Brass Transit by H. M. Pool, with 4-inch dia. silvered dial engraved H.M. Pool, Easton, Mass. , engraved star at North, East and West points reversed, blued edgebar needle with central clamp in ribband, horizontal plate with opposite verniers, A-frames with vertical quarter-circle with silvered vernier scale divided 45-0-45° , 11-inch telescope with faceted yoke and calibrated vial, on four-screw leveling base, in mahogany case opening from the front, with remains of labels Foss & Merrill, Civil Engineers, Concord, N.H. and Anderson, Bonnell & Co. ; and tripod. Note: Horace M. Pool (1804 - 1879). His son, John M. Pool, continued the business until his death in 1904.
