Bebe Bonne Automaton by Lambert, with Simon & Halbig head impressed 1300 - 6, S & H , straight neck, open mouth, articulated blue glass eyes with lashes, pierced ears, later blonde mohair wig, and bisque hands holding rubber ball in a net and a baby doll with bisque head, composition body and original (worn) costume, on velvet-covered base containing open-spring mechanism playing a single air and causing the bebe to turn and nod her head, shake the net and raise the doll to her face to kiss, in the original cream silk brocade costume with wide collar, lace edging and slippers, ht. 19 1/2 in., with LB key. Note: For another example of this automaton by the same maker, see Science & Technology , 24 March 2007, lot 632.
