Gustave Vichy Automaton of Jean Qui Pleure, depicting a crying dunce seated on a school bench, with papier-mache character head modeled with crying expression, narrowed glass eyes, open / closed mouth, dunce's cap with articulated ears and the name Ane (Donkey) painted across the crown, bisque hands, and going-barrel movement playing two airs and causing the figure to turn and nod his head as though weeping, raise his right arm to rub his eyes, and kick his left leg petulantly, while his donkey ears wag to and fro, ht. 20 1/2 in., (redressed and repainted), with "acorn" stop / start. Literature: Bailly, Automata, the Golden Age , pp. 104. Portraying the two characters from the French children's song, Jean Qui Pleure et Jeanne Qui Rit , Crying John and Laughing Jean were designed by Vichy as companion pieces, with character heads created for the occasion that are said to have been the inspiration for the rare two-faced Bru doll produced around the same time. Vichy has added an element of characteristic humor to a traditional story in the form of the dunce's donkey ears that appear to possess a life of their own.
