Civil War Amputation Set by Otto Helmold, with cross-hatched ebony handles, comprising tenon saw, finger saw, two trephines with blued-steel drills, ebony handle and brush, bone forceps, Hey saw stamped LZ HELMOLD , elevator, two hooks, three Liston knives and a scalpel, in two-tier brass-bound mahogany case with fitted velvet-lined interior and label Otto Helmold, Manufacturer and Dealer in Cutlery, Trusses, Supporters, Surgical and Dental Instruments, Apparatus for Deformed Limbs, 96 Smithfield St. , Pittsburgh, Pa. Jobbing and other Repairing executed. Also (?) Knife Blades Inserted. , wd. 16 1/2 in., (lacking one scalpel and three sections of lid edge, instruments with few signs of use).