Six Colored Molded Glass Bottles, America, 19th century, including a dark amber bottle in the form of a pineapple with diamond shaped reserve with no lettering; a dark amber "NATIONAL BITTERS" bottle in the form of an ear of corn with PATENT 1867" on base; a shaded amber quart figural bottle of an Indian Queen, with "BROWN"S CELEBRATED INDIAN HERB BITTERS in raised letters in an oval reserve; two amber barrel bottles with ten rings above and ten rings below center panel, one marked "GREELEY"S BOURBON BITTERS." the other marked "BOURBON WHISKEY BITTERS"; an amber bottle with raised lettering "TIPPECANOE" on one side and "H.H. WARNER & CO." on the reverse, the bottom is marked "ROCHESTER N.Y. PAT. NOV. 20 .83" (minor wear), ht. 9, 12 3/8, 12 3/8, 9 1/8, 9 1/4, 8 7/8 in., respectively.
