(English Illustrators), Six Titles Combe, William, The Tour of Doctor Syntax , New York: 1872, illustrated by T. Rowlandson, cloth; Of the Loyalist; or, Anti-Radical . . . , London: 1820, including handcolored illustrations by George Cruikshank, boards; A Political and Satirical History of the Years 1756 and 1757 , London: late 18th century, morocco, 16mo; London Oddities; or, The Theatrical Cabinet , London, c. 1825, colored illustrations by Robert Cruikshank, twelve parts bound together, boards; Hague, Thomas, The Royal Urinead , London: 1808, with folding colored caricature, half calf; and The Man who Eloped with his Own Wife , London: 1850, colored illustrations by Alfred Ashley, wraps, (some covers detached, some page chipping, various age typical wear).
