Mills, George and Cruikshank, George (1792-1878), The Beggar's Benison , Glasgow: Robert Anderson, 1866, two volumes, with a four page ALS to Mills from Cruikshank, dated 1860, and with numerous tipped in proofs on India paper of the illustrations, cloth, 8vo, (bumped, losses to headers, starting, scattered foxing, toning). Note: The author is published under the nom de plume "Nemo Quiscam, Esq.", and is also credited as the illustrator. However, a previous owner of the book, Albert M. Cohn, forwards the argument in a typed sheet tipped onto the front endpaper, that it was George Cruikshank who was responsible for the illustrations, or at least the etching thereof. The ALS from Cruikshank to Mills predates the publication date of the book by six years, and also hints at Cruikshank's involvement in the work. Text of the ALS reads in part: "The story you are writing is indeed a 'grand subject'--and one of the most apt and fitted for the times, for this is the age of grand--or great--rascals. . . . if we were to put our heads and hands together, we might make one of the most popular works ever put before the public. . . . What say you to sending up the M.S. to me and letting me consult some good London publisher?"
