MacArthur, General Douglas (1880-1964), Collection of documents, comprising three pencil written transcripts for coded messages; first, a six page pencil transcript for a coded message, entitled "No. 5 SECRET PRIORITY" to General George C. Marshall War Dept., detailing his departure from Corregidor and relating the hazardous aspects of the trip along the way, detailing enemy sighting and travel difficulties, "STOP Landed Batchellor Field While Darwin was under air raid STOP This hazardous trip by a Commanding General and key members of his staff through enemy controlled territory undoubtedly is unique in military annals STOP" and listing a group of officers for particular praise; second, one page, [undated], on Menzies Melbourne stationary, [arrival here quote, redacted] "The President of the United States ordered me to break through the Japanese lines and proceed from Corregidor to Australia for the purpose COMMA as I understand it COMMA of organizing the American offensive against Japan COMMA a primary objective of which is the relief of the Philippines PERIOD I came through and I shall return [unquote, end, redacted]; and one page, date stamp for 12 April 1942, on Menzies Melbourne Stationary, "For General Wainright, Urgent, Send items and personnel listed in your 212 to Mindanao...Priority of passage from Mindanao to Australia will be fixed from here by direct communication with airfield commander at Del Monte", with official stamps and markings; together with a si Read more…
