Staffordshire Pottery "Corey Hill" Pattern Tableware, Ridgeway Pottery, Staffordshire, England, mid-19th century, flow blue underglaze with chinoiserie decoration with flowers, buildings, and scrolls embellished with red, green, and pink enamel, some pieces highlighted with gilt, several backstamped with pattern name and/or maker, including thirty-four dinner plates, dia. 9 1/4-10 1/4 in.; seven salad or luncheon plates, dia. 8 1/4 in.; thirteen soup plates, dia. 9-9 3/8 in.; twelve dessert plates, dia. 7-7 1/2 in.; ten cups, seventeen saucers, ten small shallow scallop rimmed bowls, twenty three small shallow bowls, dia. 4 5/8-5 1/2 in.; eight small plates, dia. 5 1/2-6 in.; four small serving bowls, five butter pats, two round serving bowls with handles, one with cover; a round footed bowl, a covered butter dish with drainer, an oval footed serving bowl, an oval footed sauce dish with undertray, seven oval platters, dia. 8 3/8-14 5/8 in.; a teapot, covered sugar bowl, cream jug, a chocolate pot, covered jar, and a small mug, 162 pieces total, (minor chips), ht. to 8 5/8 in.
