Extensive Westmoreland Sterling "Lady Hilton" Pattern Flatware Service, 20th century, comprising twenty seven knives, twenty dinner forks, twenty bouillon spoons, ten fruit forks, forty-two teaspoons, ten strainer forks, three ladle table spoons, thirteen gumbo spoons, twenty-two salad forks, three sugar spoons, five fork tongs, four spoon tongs, six cheese slicers, twenty-four skewers, four openwork flat serving spoons, two tomato servers, two pasta servers, two serving forks, six serving spoons, five pairs of salad servers, two large ladles, twelve tongs, three pastry servers, two pastry knives, seven tablespoons, four pairs vegetable servers, six fruit knives, ten butter knives, four table knives, four carving sets, four steels, two large knives, four demitasse spoons, twelve napkin clips, forty-six salt spoons, with eight W. L. Brennan cuff napkin rings, and with approx. twenty-four glass salt cellars, with two fitted cases, approx. 215 troy oz. weighable silver.
