Seven Engraved Whale's Teeth, America, 20th century, four teeth with engraved whaling scenes: one with a lively scene featuring a ship flying an American flag with several surfacing and spouting whales and whale boats in the foreground, the reverse with inscription "Capt. Dana Flynn Swallow 1861," heightened with red and green sealing wax; one depicting the "Bark Susie Page," with surfacing whale and whale boats in the foreground, the initials "W.C.F." inscribed below and decorated around with foliage, flowers, a bird, stars and scrolled foliate devices; one with a diving and a dead whale, with distant ship and mountainous background, two harpoons inscribed below, the initials "DD" inscribed in a flag on the tip; one with two ships flying American flags with surfacing whales, two whale boats, and fanciful scroll and flower motifs in the foreground; one tooth depicting a sailor holding a harpoon with a foreshortened ship, inscribed "D.F. 1852" at lower center; a tooth depicting an eagle and American flag over a banner proclaiming "LIBERTY;" a tooth depicting a woman wearing a fashionable dress, (cracks, losses), lg. 5 3/4, 4 1/4, 4 1/2, 4 1/4, 4, 4, 4 in., respectively. Capt. Swallow tooth- 1/4 x 1/3 in loss lower base edge loss, several tight cracks throughou W.C.F. tooth- several tight cracks thoroughout. D.D. Mountains tooth- several small losses and flaking around base edge, several tight cracks thoroughout. sialor tooth- several tight cracks thoroughout, Read more…
