Two Woven Wool and Cotton Coverlets, America, mid-19th century, a two-piece blue and white Beiderwand figured coverlet with with a border of Charter Oaks, eagles, and eight-point stars, with rooster and crescent corner blocks, the center filled with rosettes and quatrefoil motifs, fringed on three sides, 80 x 76 in; the other a single piece Beiderwand double-weave coverlet, in red and white with large central medallion, surrounded by tasseled swags, floral, foliate, and acorn borders and motifs, one corner blocks reads "MADE BY S.HAUSMAN TREXLER TOWN 1848" the other corner block reads the same with the addition of "S.E.C. DELONG" and without the year, fringed on three sides, 102 x 82 in.
