Needlework Sampler, "Martha Pearsons work Aged 10 Years 1803," England or America, the sampler worked in silk threads on a finely woven linen ground, with upper and lower reserves filled with an assortment of motifs including a building, cherubs, birds, crowns, lions, butterflies, potted plants, an African woman with a basket on her head, a man with a plumed cap, dogs, ships, and a squirrel on a branch, central verse "With Diligence my Friends and Perservence to/I have my sampler done which I present to you/Cast but a smile on this my first endeavor/I will strive to mend and be Obedient ever," enclosed in a geometric flowering vine, (toning), 21 1/4 x 17 3/4 in. , in a molded curly maple frame. Provenance: Ex collection of Robert Roche. over all toning, the stitching is good and bright, no losses.
