Attributed to Captain Joseph Harris, (Nantucket, Massachusetts, 1752-1823) Sketchbook of New England and Newport, Rhode Island, Scenes. Unsigned. Watercolor and pen and ink on paper with twenty-four sketches in a bound booklet, and three loose sketches, several depicting scenes, vessels, and figures in and around Newport, Rhode Island, and other eastern sea coast towns, the subjects of the sketches identified with ink inscriptions. Some of the titles include: "hornnet of Newport RI," (a sloop), "Rhode Island lighthouse", "Pattern's Meeting House in Newport RI", "A house in Newport R.I. called peckhams house," "Mackdonough of Bristol RI" (a vessel), "tarpaulin Cove between Newport and Nantucket", "long Wharf in Newport RI", "Nantucket harbour", "Boston hill", "Corse harbour not far from Newport", 5 1/2 x 7 1/2 -6 1/4 x 8 in., together with six pages with pen and ink calligraphic excercises; an inscribed poem entitled The Sailor's Adieu , with a watercolor and ink sketch of "the ship America Captain Joseph Harris Cranston, RI" on the reverse; a printed Christian sermon pamplet, a printed booklet titled Some Account of Joseph Harris, a Child of Eleven Years Old, Who Died at Cork. on the Second of Seventh Month, One Thousand Eight Hundred., printed in 1810 in Philadelphia. Sketch book page edges show some minor wear, light toning.
