Seven Cabinet Cards and Ten Stereoview Cards Depicting 19th Century Views of the American West, A. Lewis, photographer Madison, S.D., a waterfall; Wittick & Russell, photographers Albuquerque, N.M., "Faculty of Albuquerque Indian School;" D.B. Chase, photographer, Trinidad, Col., "Uncle Dick Whooton's Place, Raton Pass," "A Sod House & Barn, A White Mans Dakota Home," a hunting party with wagon, mine wagons "Looking N.W. Raton Pass;" a photograph of painting "Switchback North End Tunnell Raton Pass;" a set of four G.C. Bennett stereo view cards of Santa Fe and Los Cerrillos Mining District, a set of five Continent Stereoscopic Co. views of New Mexico, a stereo view of a stone tower, along with an early 20th century photograph post card of the A. Hartung Shoes storefront.