Scott, Sir Walter, Illustrations for Scott's Works, comprising: Proof Impressions: Illustrations for The Waverley Novels, Connoisseur Edition , Boston: Estes & Lauriat, [c. 1890], loose as issued in five folio boxes; a bound collection of eighty-one mounted prints; Engravings on Steel to Illustrate the Waverley Novels , Edinburgh: Adam & Charles Black, 1853, gilt tooled full green morocco, folio, (boards loose); Illustrations to the Poetical Works of Sir Walter Scott , London: Charles Tilt; seven parts in original wraps, Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels , London: Charles Tilt, 1830, twenty parts, original wraps, (good); nine bound groups of prints from various Scott novels, printed for members of The Royal Association for Promotion of the Fine Arts in Scotland, 1865-1878; Abbotsford: The Personal Relics and Antiquarian Treasures of Sir Walter Scott , London: Black, 1893, cloth, folio, (spine ragged).
