Collection of Boxed "O" Gauge Train Cars and Accessories, mid 20th century, black Steamline Smoke Locomotive 746, Tender 746W with whistle and instructions, United States Army Switcher Engine 41, double 2032 Engines, Operating Work Crane 6460, Tank Car 6465, Stock Car 6656, Hopper Car 6456, Box Car 6464-425, Caboose 6357, Automatic Block Signal and Control 153, Automatic Crossing Gate 252, Contractor 153C, Lubricating and Maintenance 927, and Transmaster Transformer; some not boxed: two 1022 Switches, Control Switches, Control Box, instruction booklets, magazines, Automatic Block Signal and Control 153, Contactor 153d, Street Light 58-15; boxed Lionel Train Set: Engine 999, Tender, Refrigerator Car 3555, Tank Car 256, open Freight Car 347 000, Caboose 92812, lot of track, (cover missing; set needs cleaning); Lionel boxed "The General Frontier Park" train set, no. 1800, plastic bodies, Steam Engine 1862, Tender 1862T, Western & Atlantic US Mail 1866, Passenger Car 1865, stake body animal carrier with six horses, pamphlet of "The Great Civil War Locomotive Chase" and an instruction booklet, (some wear on lot).
