Comprehensive Lionel Standard Gauge Train Set and Accessories, including a pea green Electric Engine 408E, Dining Car 413, Observation 490, Parlor Car 418, Baggage Parlor Car 419; black Bild-a-Loco Engine 384, black Tender 384-T, black Bild-a-Loco engine and black tender, maroon Pullman 309, maroon Observation 312, yellow and orange Automobile Furniture 214, Kelly Green Oilcar 215, Kelly Green Caboose 517, cream Ventilated Refrigerator 514 R (paint on body rough), red Coal Carrier 516; accessories: maroon signal bridge 0440, cream and pea green Station 113, Automatic Gateman 45, two cast metal Mojave streetlamps, green Crossing Gate 007, switching light (base damaged), Tender 1835W (damaged), three railroad crossing signs, four telegraph poles and bases, three hand trucks, baggage truck 161, Dump Truck 162, three assorted Electric Crossing Units, Bumper 25, two Automatically Controlled Illuminated Switches 223, on X track 20X, three small accessory boxes, Cottage 184, panel board 4409, whistle controller 66, Train Master Transformer, multi-type Transformer (minimal wear on rolling stock, some wear, rust and damage on accessories).
