Christian Hacker Doll House with Contents, Germany, of three bays and three storeys, with original brick papers, cream trim, and paper-covered mansard roof with blue / gray tiles, the facade opening in two sections to reveal two rooms and central hall on the ground floor, a first floor drawing room over the entire width of building, and two rooms under the eaves of the second floor, most rooms with period wall coverings, curtains and original floor treatments; kitchen with painted dresser, hutch and stove with a variety of metal dishes, serving pieces and pot and pans, wooden tubs with produce, soft metal toaster, bisque head cook; front hall with pier glass, umbrella stand, soft-metal carriage with tiny frozen Charlotte, bisque head child, maple chair, and hookwork rug; dining room with upright piano and stool, sideboard, dining table, four chairs, bisque head butler and maid, pewter tea set, candelabra, dishes, and prints; drawing room with suite of blue satin upholstered furniture, Egyptian Revival dresser and table, tinplate fireplace and tools, framed prints, footstool, glass vases, soft-metal parrot in cage, standing lamp, candlesticks, metal chair, bisque head grandfather, grandmother (missing foot), two blond haired ladies, two gentlemen (one foot, one arm missing), and oriental rug; third floor bedroom (or nursery) with twin beds and bedding, bear rug, pier glass, commode, painted bisque girl, linens, soft metal crib with two frozen Charlottes, all bisque baby; serva Read more…
