Working Model of a Cotton Spinning Machine by Thomas Mayor, Providence, Rhode Island, the hand-cranked geared steel mechanism driving two flyers with spindles and one mahogany bobbin, in serpentine walnut plates, wd. 9 x ht. 10 in., in glazed display case with gold-painted lettering on portico Thomas Mayor, Providence, Rhode Island , ht. 18 in.; two volumes The Science of Modern Cotton Spinning by Evan Leigh, second edition, 1873; bound issues (January to July 1869) of The Manufacturer and Builder , including descriptions of gold and stock telegraphy, and the daguerrian process; three ledgers; framed diagrams of Mayor's Improved Spindle & Bolster; 1895 factory booklet of Thomas Mayor & Son machines; Thomas Mayor & Son letter head; various letters; newspaper clipping; photograph; and folded "Analytical Table of Mechanical Movements", illustrating cams, gears and other means of transmitting movement in machines. Provenance: By family descent.
