Four Royal Doulton Dickens Ware Items, England, 20th century, each polychrome enameled transfer prints, including a footed punch bowl with street scene to the exterior and depictions of Old Peggoty, Fat Boy, and Barkis, dia. 14 1/4 in.; a collared bowl with depictions of Tony Weller, Bill Sykes, and Mr. Squeers, opening dia. 5 1/4 in.; and two bowls, one with Fat Boy, Sairey Gamp, and Cap'n Cuttle, dia. 8 in.; another with Cap'n Cuttle, Fat Boy, Sairey Gamp, and Barkis, dia. 10 1/8 in.; printed factory marks. 10 1/8" bowl with stain to interior; otherwise all in very good condition with no cracks, chips or restorations.
