Fifteen Medallions Bronze Europe, early 20th century Seven rectangular forms: two depicting a nude woman playing a lute, P. Masetti-Fedi, music commerative; Spains Francis Ferdinand with Phillip the Ist on reverse, 1908; Fuller Building 1929; Navigatuers : Chambe de Commerce de Metz; two females one playing the harp, Philharmoniker 1860-1908; Female nude with a bull; female nude with a peacock; Circular forms include 1338-1938 nude female on an early ship with owl and coat of arms, Universitat der Hansetadt Kohn; Charles Lindbergh, E. Blin, Spirit of St. Louis New York to Paris; Nude woman with a ship with coat of arms on reverse; Nude male on a horse, 1930; square forms include female nude with a harp; Frederih Von Schiller gravestone marker 1909, sizes range from 1 1/2 to 4 1/2 in.
