Ithaca Regulator No. 1 Wall Calendar Clock, Ithaca Calendar Clock Company, Ithaca, New York, c. 1880, the walnut case with printed paper instructions and a pencil notation inside, No. 630, 6.21.1870 , "composite" carvings, serpentine cornice with winged figure at the center, three turned finials, full-length glazed door and removable pedestal, 12-inch dia. paper on zinc dials, the lower marked H. B. Horton's Patents and Ithaca Calendar Clock Company, Ithaca, New York , eight-day, dual-wind, weight-powered timepiece with two cast iron weights and pendulum, calendar movement in the lower section, ht. 52 in. No significant repairs, replacements or restoration, probably original finish, dials yellowed with age, the time dial cleaned.
